Enter your search terms (or the title of the paper if you know it) into Google, followed by site: and then the website's domain.
Domains include the following:
- Government information .gov.uk
- NHS information .nhs.uk
- Higher education websites - .edu / .edu.ca / .edu.au / .ac.uk
- Organisations .org - But note this domain can be used by non-profit organisations, charities, and other bodies who may not always present that information in an objective and impartial way.
If you were looking for information about the NHS national framework 2019 then your search could look like this:
"national framework" nhs 2019 site:.gov.uk
There will be a few thousand results, but the top one is: Department of Health & Social Care (2019) 'National framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care'. Available from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-framework-for-nhs-continuing-healthcare-and-nhs-funded-nursing-care (Accessed: 26 February 2019)